Weight training can help you fat loss faster?

 1. Weight training is the best way to maintain your muscle in a calorie deficit Anytime you reduce your calories, you run the risk of losing lean body mass along with the fat. The more you cut calories and the longer you stay on a reduced-calorie diet, the greater the risk. Without weight training, your body can easily get a large proportion of its energy needs by cannibalizing muscle. Adding resistance training, with weights or bodyweight resistance, helps you maintain your muscle when your calories are low. 
2. Weight training burns calories and increases fat loss Weight training can also contribute in a major way to your total daily energy expenditure while building muscle at the same time. Give me a few good sets of squats, lunges, and dead lifts and I can guarantee you’ll have burned at least as many if not more calories than you would have in the same time spent on a cardio machine.
3. Weight training increases your metabolism Weight training is not only a superb calorie burner, it’s also a great metabolism booster. Weight training creates microtrauma to the muscle fibers, which must be repaired during the recovery period between workouts. This process is metabolically costly because it takes a lot of energy to repair damaged muscle and synthesize new lean tissue. Research has also demonstrated that weight training can actually stimulate a greater postexercise metabolism-boosting effect than cardio. 
4. Weight training improves your health There’s a huge misconception that only aerobic exercise is good for your heart and overall health. Physicians, public health officials, and exercise organizations have finally started coming around. Almost all of them now recommend weight training for heart health, improved blood cholesterol profiles, strengthened bone density, increased insulin sensitivity, and other health benefits
5. Weight training is the chisel you use to sculpt and shape your body Some
fitness experts say you can’t “shape” a muscle. Naturally, you can’t change the
origins and insertions of your muscles or your overall bone structure, but you
can totally reshape your body with resistance training. With diet alone, you may
end up nothing more than a smaller version of your old self. With training, you
can chisel away at unwanted fat and slap on muscle exactly where you want it, in
the exact amount you want. Think of your body as a living, breathing sculpture
—a work of art always in progress—and weight training is your primary tool. 

6. Weight training helps reverse the aging process As you get older and become
more concerned about looking and feeling youthful, you have a couple of
choices. You could go to an antiaging clinic, get expensive prescriptions for
drugs and hormones, slog down all kinds of goop, swallow fifty different
supplement pills a day, and hope that one of these things will be the fountain of
youth. Or, you could change your attitudes and beliefs by following the ten Body
Fat Solution nutrition rules and lift weights.
People who don’t maintain their lean body mass through strength training


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