What is superset in bodybuilding?

>>Within supersets, rest 
between exercises only as 
long as it takes you to 
move from one to the next.
The whole point of supersetting, 
after all, is to ratchet up the inten￾sity so you burn more calories and 
torch bodyfat. During Week 4, how￾ever, feel free to rest up to 15 sec￾onds within the extended sets due 
to the extreme volume involved.

>>Between supersets, rest 
up to two minutes during 
Weeks 1–3 and rest 2–3 
minutes in Week 4. If you 
start your next superset too soon, 
you won’t maximize your gains. 
Increasing intensity is one thing, 
but having no strength left halfway 
through your workout is another, so 
make good use of the rest intervals.

>>Before every workout, 
thoroughly warm up each 
bodypart you’re training 
that day. If it’s shoulder day, do 
a few sets to work all three deltoid 
heads (middle, front and rear). 
A set or two of lateral raises isn’t 
sufficient for the amount of inten￾sity you’re about to experience. 

>>Take each set within 
supersets, tri-sets and 
extended sets to failure.
If a set calls for 10 reps, don’t select 
a weight with which you can per￾form twice that number of reps. 
However, use common sense: 
Supersetting often means you 
won’t be able to lift as much 
weight as usual. Don’t be afraid
 to decrease the resistance to reach 
the target number of reps. 
>>When supersetting 
opposing muscle groups 
(not just in this program, 
but anytime), don’t always 
begin with the same body￾part. If you often superset your 
chest and back, for example, alter￾nate which muscle group you train 
first every other workout to pro￾mote overall muscular balance in 
your physique. 


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