In the classic system, "somatotype refers to the physical or external body
structure, which you can appraise with a photograph or tape measure. "Metabolic
type" is different; it refers to biological processes that take place internally
Another new advancement in body typing is combining these concepts of
somatotype and metabolic type. For example, endomorphs are the people who
have the rounder body shape as well as metabolic characteristics that predispose
them to storing and holding excess body fat.
How well you process carbs and manage blood sugar is one of the most
important traits to consider. People differ widely in their ability to process sugar.
On the extremely unhealthy end of the spectrum, you have diabetes. In the
middle, you have metabolic syndrome, which some people call "pre-diabetic.
And on the normal end of the spectrum you have various degrees of
carbohydrate intolerance.
These differences in metabolic type explain why some people thrive on high-
carb, low-protein, low-fat diets while others get leaner, feel better, and stay
healthier on high-protein, high-fat diets with lower carbs.
Although metabolic traits are numerous and complex, in the Burn the Fat,
Feed the Muscle system, metabolic type boils down to two simple questions: Are
you carb tolerant or carb intolerant? And if you're carb intolerant, to what
degree? Use the body type guidelines in this chapter, along with the information
in the nutrition part of this book, and with a little trial and error experimenting
with carb levels, you'll discover your tolerance quickly.


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