8 signs of vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is critical for the efficient performance of several body functions. Vitamin D has wide acceptance in the human body as it acts as a hormone, and every human cell has receptors for Vitamin D. When the human body is exposed to sunlight, Vitamin D is formed from cholesterol. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to several other health issues.

Most of the bone and muscle-related health issues are caused by Vitamin D deficiency. Even if you are not experiencing any symptoms regarding the low levels of Vitamin D, you can still have it checked with medical reports.

What is Vitamin D?

When the human body is exposed to sunlight, the fat-soluble Vitamin is generated in our body, and it is called Vitamin D. Apart from sun exposure, some other foods can provide small amounts of Vitamin D.

The human body cannot produce Vitamin D to support body functions, so the external sources are the only way to get Vitamin. When it enters the body, organs cannot use that energy in that state, and the body has to convert Vitamin D into the active form. That active form is known as calcidiol or 25-hydroxyvitamin D.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Although the lower levels of Vitamin D are not lethal, it’s a very common health issue globally. Almost 1 billion people globally are affected by Vitamin D deficiency. Here are some factors that can lead to Vitamin D deficiency:

• Being aged
• Having dark skin
• Staying indoors for long
• Extensive use of sunscreen
• Not enough intakes of fish and dairy products
• Being obese or overweight

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency
When your body does not get enough vitamin D to perform bodily functions properly, you will start experiencing some clear changes in your body. Here are some symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency:

1. Getting infected often

Your immune system builds a strong defense against the diseases and infectious attacks. Lower levels of Vitamin D result in the poor performance of the immune system that eventually leads to lower resistance against infections.
Eat foods that are recommended for lower levels of Vitamin D. Try to expose your skin to direct sunlight so your cells can absorb enough Vitamin D.

2. Tiredness and Fatigue

If you feel tired after normal routine tasks, Vitamin D deficiency may be the major contributor to this fatigue. In young females, fatigue and Vitamin D are closely interlinked, and most of the working females are found to experience Vitamin D deficiency.

Taking Vitamin-rich food supplements can boost your Vitamin D levels. With better energy input, you will be able to perform more effectively.

3. Bones and Back Pain

Vitamin D is essential for bone health, and the lack of Vitamin D can lead to several bone issues. Chronic lower back pain has a relationship with decreased levels of Vitamin D in the blood.
Apart from back pain, the patient might be experiencing severe bone pain in ribs, legs, and joints. If you experience any pain in the bones, start focusing on increasing the Vitamin D levels.

4. Depression

Not only are physical functions impacted by Vitamin D deficiency, but it affects the mental activity too. Older adults are more likely to experience this medical condition. When you start taking Vitamin D supplements, the increases levels of Vitamin D improve mood. You will start feeling positive changes in your life.

5. Better Wound Healing

If your body is recovering too slowly after some injury or wounds, it is the signs of Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is critical for the production of cells that generate new skin. As your body does not generate new layers of skin at the required rate, wounds won’t recover timely.

6. Bone Loss

The common public tends to think that bone loss is related to calcium, but being Vitamin D deficient is the major reason for bone loss in elders. The low density of bones indicated that bones have started losing minerals and calcium. Women are more likely to experience bone loss due to Vitamin D deficiency.

7. Hair Loss

Depress and stress are commonly caused by unusual hair loss, and these psychological issues are highly related to the lower levels of Vitamin D. Topical application synthetic vitamin can treat the severe hair loss in females, especially.

8. Muscle Pain

There can be several causes of muscle pain, yet most of the muscle pain patients are also found to be Vitamin D deficient. Studies indicate that taking enough amounts of direct Vitamin D or Vitamin-rich foods can make you feel stronger and more active.


Vitamin D deficiency is too common, yet most don’t even recognize the lower levels. The interlinking of health issues with Vitamin D deficiency is difficult, yet in case of experiencing any of the given symptoms, try to consult with your doctor before starting any Vitamin D supplements.


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